
GIGAMAT 3800 Polishers - Looking to Purchase Several

We are currently looking for 2-3 Gigamat 3800 polisher, we will consider the 3806, 3808, 3828 models.  We are mainly looking to do 6" (150mm) wafers on the unit with a setup with four heads. Please let me know if you have a system. We are looking to purchase within the next few days, and pending your details on your unit, we can advise if your units are an option once we receive the details.  

Also, if you have any other equipment for sale, please let me know. 



我有一颗与ST103 PIN TO PIN的芯片,设计的软体与硬体直接可以替代目前市面上ST103的全系列,也有工业级的!


Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately

 Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately