
請問您有 ULVAC 820 的具體配置嗎?



Ai expresstaiwan寫道…
有詳細配置嗎? 包含說設備的型號 是哪一種Etcher
Ai expresstaiwan寫道…
上面是製作流程,想知道他 chamber 的 process 是甚麼
Ai expresstaiwan寫道…
1. 需要一個刻蝕腔+Al,Ni,Ti,Ag 濺射
2. 需要是背晶工藝的機台
3. 是否有用ESC(靜電吸盤)
Ai expresstaiwan寫道…


BALZERS BA 510 rare release

Good day, how are you? I am working with a client who is looking to release a BALZERS/BA 510 this quarter. I understand you were once intereted in similar model so I want to check if this is something you would consider buying. They used this for a project that’s concluded and no longer require this in-house, and are motivated to make space at their facility. You may review the asset in the link below. If you need any further information to review, please let me know.