
MEYER BURGER DW 288 S6 For Sale - Only $50k

I have a client who is looking to release a MEYER BURGER DW 288 S6 for sale.

This is stored in warehouse currently. My client has some systems coming to their facility soon and want to clear up their place some space before then.

They are only asking $50k for this unit. We have included detailed configuration and photos for your review.

Please reach out to me ASAP, if you are interested in buying.

MEYER BURGER DW 288 S6 Wire saw - Only $50k
(2) Cutting fluid tanks with panel
Wire guide rolls
Web length: 650 mm
Maximum workpiece: 6.5"
Axis distance: 390 mm
Wire speed: 30 m/sec
Wire acceleration: 10 m/s²
Minimum wire diameter: 100 μm
Maximum wire tension: 45N
Rocking angle: ±12
Cutting fluid tank: 240
Does not include rocking unit
2015 vintage.



H100 server spec