
CD-SEM questions

I am aware that your site has discussed with our team about idled assets available.

I wanted to follow up with you again to get better understanding about your ongoing projects and plans about equipment acquiring/releasing during the following 1-3 months.

Do you expect any changes at your department? I am especially interested in your Hitachi systems -  I cooperate with a local customer who are in a process of acquiring an additional S-8840 that they can add to their lab by the end of Q4. The funding has been approved, and right now they are evaluating options on the market. If you have one to sell, we would send a colleague on site do document the system and share the details to our buyer. They prefer a working tool, but they may also purchase a system with minor issues.

Check with your team, and keep us updated if there are other assets that we can make an offer for.



GaN PD 65W-300W 快速充電方案(GaN PD 65W-300W fast charging solution)


Toshiba mcu wanted 20000 pics by month

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