
MaTERADYNE Ultraflex Sysetm Needed

I am looking to acquire a TERADYNE UltraFlex testers. We are looking for a 24-slot base system with filler boards in them. We prefer the system to be complete and working but will consider any system you have. This would include based units without any boards. Please let me know if you have a system for sale.

Also, if you have any equipment you want to sell, please let me know.



GaN PD 65W-300W 快速充電方案(GaN PD 65W-300W fast charging solution)


Toshiba mcu wanted 20000 pics by month

  以上图片型号,或以下三款 TMPM475FDFG  TMPM475FZFG  TMPM475FYFG 或者高版本的 flash