
Complete ASM IDEALmold R2R for sale

 Would you be interested in the below ASM IDEALmold R2R system? It's complete and working till shut down. Please let me know if you are interested in it or if you have any questions.

On the other hand, if you are actually in need of other used equipment at the moment, or if you would like to sell any system from your site, please advise me as well. Thanks.

ASM IDEALmold R2R Auto molding system
2013 vintage. 



我有一颗与ST103 PIN TO PIN的芯片,设计的软体与硬体直接可以替代目前市面上ST103的全系列,也有工业级的!


Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately

 Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately