
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS P5000 With Approval Budget

Hope this mail finds you well.
Currently, we're working with a buyer who would like to purchase AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS/P5000 with an approval budget, since they planned to expand the production at the end of this year, they need the equipment to be installed as soon as possible, 
would you have anyone available for sale? the main configuration required for applying wafer size 6-8" with 2 chambers, non-demonstrable may be fine, please let me know if you have any available suits or similar with the configuration.

Furthermore, if the below questions could be answered will be a great help for the buyer to evaluate:
1. Etcher or CVD?
2. Asset state? If deinstalled, is it kept under vacuum?
3. Does it have automated cassette-to-cassette handling?



我有一颗与ST103 PIN TO PIN的芯片,设计的软体与硬体直接可以替代目前市面上ST103的全系列,也有工业级的!


Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately

 Have Buyer for NITROCELLULOSE 200 Metric Tons required immediately 

Toshiba mcu wanted 20000 pics by month

  以上图片型号,或以下三款 TMPM475FDFG  TMPM475FZFG  TMPM475FYFG 或者高版本的 flash