

 Today’s listing is located in the center area of KOBE!! 、

我有興趣免費加入NFT 日本地產群組 NFTウォレット無料


This property is the cheapest one compared with other sales in the same apartment.


Please look at the table below that you can see other sales in the same apartment now.

Please check the details below.


Please check the details below.



Name: Daia Paresu Oujikoen (ダイアパレス王子公園)


Price: 4,700,000 Yen  ≒  34,122 USD 


Size: 19.25 sqm ≒ 207 sqf


→ 164 usd/sqf



Address: 兵庫県神戸市中央区割塚通2丁目2-7


Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/NjSVtSgwpSFnKUZDA


Access: 4 mins walk to Nada station  (灘駅)


Structure: Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 64

No.of Floor: 9F

Unit Floor: 4F

 Unit Number: #4xx

Built Year: Feb 1993

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 12,720 yen/month

Type of unit: 1R

Size: 19.25 sqm 

Balcony: Need to confirm sqm

Facing: Need to confirm 

Occupancy: Tenanted 

Rent: 45,000 yen/month 

Other: Elevator, Auto-Lock


我有興趣免費加入NFT 日本地產群組 NFTウォレット無料 

(Detail of lease contract)




我有一颗与ST103 PIN TO PIN的芯片,设计的软体与硬体直接可以替代目前市面上ST103的全系列,也有工业级的!


HITACHI S-3400N-with EDS only asking $45K

Hi Fred, I have a client releasing HITACHI/S-3400N for sale immediately with EDS only asking 45K. They finished a project of it and want to move this before the end of this month. According to the seller ,it is in good condition and has EDS with Windows XP.   You can refer to the configuration and photo through below link. If you are interested in making an offer, please let me know, thank you HITACHI S-3400N Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Operating system: Windows XP 2010 vintage.

H200/H20 forecast

H200/H20  針對您的需求,可否幫忙確認是否有需求規格? 以及填回以下資訊, 我們會盡快跟NVIDIA申請審核,並回覆給您 謝謝   終端客戶公司: Ans. 終端客戶地址: Ans. 終端客戶設備放置IDC機房地址: Ans. 終端客戶應用: Ans. 系統整合商(SI)有無support能力: Ans. 購買公司有無採購過nvidia產品: Ans. 若有是何種產品: Ans. 預計採購的GPU型號: Ans. 預計採購的Networking型號 (IB/ ETH): Ans. 搭配Gigabyte 何機種: Ans. 數量 & 預計需求日: Ans.