
光刻機廉價出售:Nikon SR690,90纳米,2台ASML XT1250 70纳米,2台ASML XT1400 60纳米,1台


Lam's EOS probably doesn't. You can ask foreigners if they want an exposure machine. There are several lithography machines in Taiwan, but they are sold because of excess capacity in the factory. They have not been used at all, and they have not been unpacked and installed. The equipment is still in the bonded warehouse at the dock in Taiwan.



BALZERS BA 510 rare release

Good day, how are you? I am working with a client who is looking to release a BALZERS/BA 510 this quarter. I understand you were once intereted in similar model so I want to check if this is something you would consider buying. They used this for a project that’s concluded and no longer require this in-house, and are motivated to make space at their facility. You may review the asset in the link below. If you need any further information to review, please let me know.